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重庆大学法律评论 目次 2018年第1期(创刊号) 第1卷

作者: 编辑:刘勇 审核人: 发布时间:2020-04-04 浏览量:

重庆大学法律评论  目次

2018年第1期(创刊号)  1卷












壁垒的破除:蒙古西征与宗教信仰自由的法律保障----------赵晓耕 时晨

论日本民法上的租赁权---------------------------------------------------------------谢  潇




试探权利的实践性起源——以权利斗争精神为核心------------------------------朱  俊





良心与中世纪衡平法院------------[加]丹尼斯• R.克林克著,苗文龙译



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------张晓蓓 雷安军






CQU Law Review

School of Law, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China         Vol.1 No.1(Sum No.1) , Jun., 2018



Foreword----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Chen Rui

On the Pattern, Value and Transformation of Chinese Traditional Legal Culture------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zhang Zhong-qiu

The Drastic Turn and Eastward Spread of Western LearningsRediscover the Chances and Thought Resources of Legalists-------------------------Cheng Liao-yuan

On Construction to “Shenology” and An Introduction to the Non-law Works of Mr. Shen Jia-ben--------------------------------------------------------------------Shen Hou-duo

A Life of Mr. Qian Duansheng: Between Academics and Politics----------Liu Meng 

Li Zhi and His Legal Philosophy---------------------------------------------------Tu Kai

Theory Rebuilding in the Expression of Civil Law of Environmental Rights----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Huang Xi-sheng

Expoding the Barrier: “the Mongol Conquest Westward” and Legal Protection to Freedom of Religious Belief-------------------------------------Zhao Xiao-geng, Shi Chen

On the Right of Leasehold in Japanese Civil Law-----------------------------Xie Xiao

On Three Kinds of Methods of Finding out Criminal Facts in Tang and Song Dynasties: Asking(Wen), Surveying(An) and Verifying(Tui)-----------------------Wang Zhong-can

In What Sense does the Ancients Say “Jurisprudence” -------------------Chen Zi-yuan

On the Practice of Liao Shengzong’s Clean Government----------------Zhao Tian-bao

On Practical Origin of Rights——Taking the Spirit of the Struggle for Rights as the Core-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zhu Jun

The Influence of Identity on the Legal Literacy of the Scholar Officials in the Tang Dynasty----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun Jing-rui

Essentials of Judge-traning in Traditional Legal Education: Some Researches to Provincial Adminstrative Commissioner Reading and Comment on County’s Verdict Volumes Published in FanShan Administration Book------------------Zhang Tian-tian

Conscience, Equity and the Court of Chancery in Early Modern England----------------------------------------------------------------Dennis R. Klincktrans. by Miao Wen-long

National New Progress on Legal Culture in 2017——Summaries to National Legal Culture Doctoral Forum XI---------------------------------------------------------------Zhang Xiao-bei, Lei An-jun